双语硕硕说 | Weekly Bulletins(7/18-7/24)

在临沂客户端 2020-07-24 阅读次数: 11492


An extra daily flight from Linyi to Guangzhou run by Boeing 737-800 of China Southern Airlines put into service on July 20. Since then, there has expanded to three flights of the route from Linyi to Guangzhou. Besides, the first flight from Huhehaote to Nantong via Linyi run by Linyi International Airport will put into service on August

▲自2020年7月1日起,全市城市居民低保平均标准由每人每月 536 元提高到600元;全市农村居民低保平均标准由每人每月 399 元提高到 450元。城市特困人员基本生活标准全市统一调整为每人每月900 元;农村特困人员基本生活标准全市统一调整为每人每月 585 元。

Standard subsistence allowances for urban recipients in Linyi has raised from monthly 536 yuan to monthly 600 yuan per month since July 1, 2020. As for rural recipients, standard subsistence has increased to 450 yuan per month from 399 yuan per month. Basic allowances for impoverished residents has been uniformly adjusted to 900 yuan per month for urban population and 585 yuan per month for rural population. Basic allowances for impoverished residents has been uniformly adjusted to 900 yuan per month for urban population and 585 yuan per month for rural population.



A rescue team specialized in flood control and emergency rescue operations from Linyi City, east China’s Shandong Province rushed to Chuzhou City, east China’s Anhui Province on July 19. Equipped with 11 fire engines and 6 pneumaticboats, 50 firefighters went to the forefront of the fight against flooding.

In addition, at the request of Luan City, China’s Anhui Province, 5 members from Flash Rescue Team of Linyi City rushed to Luan to perform duties of flood fighting and emergency operations 20. The rescue ended on July 23.


Cultural and arts products featured with Linyi characteristics won a large outpouring of favorable comments in a bullet train at Linyibei Railway Station on July 22. Named High-speed Railway Across Qilu, the high-speed railway was expected to promote cultural and arts products made in Linyi.

编译/ 硕硕 洪宇(实习生)

( 编辑: 子硕)