双语硕硕说 | 当Laba遇上Major Cold,“胃暖”不怕天寒

在临沂客户端 2021-01-20 阅读次数: 16556


The Laba Festival, falling on the 8th day of the 12th month on the Lunar Calendar, is a traditional Chinese festival worshiping harvest and marking the start of the Chinese New Year celebration. This year, the Laba Festival falls on the same day as the Major Cold, which is the last of China's 24 solar terms.

关于大寒 The Major Cold

大寒后,神州大地又将迎来新一年的节气轮回,天气也渐渐回暖。大寒节气的英文名为Major Cold。《授时通考•天时》引《三礼义宗》中记载:“寒气之逆极,故谓大寒。”此时是中国大部分地区最冷的时期。

The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Major Cold, also known as “Dahan” in Chinese, is the last solar term of the winter and also the whole year. It usually falls around January 20, not far away from the Spring Festival, which falls on January 20 this year.

During this time of year, people in ancient China preferred food with a warm and placid nature, in order to get the nutrition required during the cold days.


Around days after Major Cold, comes the Spring Festival. In this period, snow, rain and icy cold weather exert a big influence on people's lives. This term represents the end of 24 solar terms and also marks the end of winter. People get busy with buying new things, salting the meat and preparing New Year good. This solar term is consequently imbued with happy expectations of family reunions and a fresh new start.

关于腊八  The Laba Festival


Laba Festival, also simply called "Laba," comes on the eighth day of the twelfth month of the Chinese lunar year. The festival has this name because the twelfth month is also called "la" month in Chinese while the number eight is pronounced "ba."

在我国北方有 “小孩小孩你别馋,过了腊八就是年”之说,过腊八意味着拉开了过年的序幕。

Since it's in the last month of the lunar year, the festival implies saying goodbye to the old and embracing the new, and often regarded as a warm-up celebration for the upcoming Spring Festival.


Laba Day is also Bodhi Day in the Buddhist tradition. It's said that Shakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, attained enlightenment on this day. Thus, the day is one of the grandest festivals for Buddhists.



The tradition of eating Laba congee during the festival could be traced back to the Song Dynasty (960-1279). From the imperial court to ordinary people, cooking the congee was a seasonal must. They not only cooked the dish for their own family members, but also sent it to others as a gift.

关于腊八粥(Laba porridge)的具体做法,硕硕在此按下不表,相信广大资深吃货朋友们随便露一手都能碾压我这个厨房白痴,咱就不自取其辱了。所以今天,咱只是简单介绍一下英文中关于“粥”的几种常见说法。

“粥” porridge /'pɔrɪdʒ/(美式读音)or /'prɪdʒ/(英式读音)

“粥”最常见的英文说法就是porridge,中小学教科书的单词表中咱们已经见识过了。英文词典对该词给出的释义为:a soft food made by boiling meal of grains or legumes in milk or water until thick,更贴近于我们理解的燕麦粥。

“粥” gruel /'ɡruəl/ (美式读音)or /'ɡruːəl/(英式读音)

gruel也是粥,不过指“稀粥”,特别是过去穷人或病人吃的一种稀薄的粥:thin oatmeal that was eaten in the past by poor or sick people。

“粥” congee /ˈkɑːn.dʒi/(美式读音)or /ˈkɒn.dʒi/(英式读音)

congee一词有些词典并没有收录,剑桥词典对其解释为:a kind of thick Chinese soup made with rice,更好理解的翻译是“大米粥”,即我们中国传统意义上的粥。硕硕进一步查找资料后得知,这个词来自斯里兰卡的tamil语,主要用来指米粥,和中国的粥最为接近,所以在描述中国人喝的粥时我更倾向于用congee这个词。

再补充几个其他比较常见的粥:小米粥 millet( /'mɪlɪt/ 谷子,小米,黍类) gruel江米粥 glutinous(/ˈɡluːtənəs/ 很黏的,黏性很大的)rice porridge燕麦粥 oatmeal (/ˈəʊtmiːl/ 燕麦片)porridge八宝粥 eight-treasured rice porridge


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