双语读报告 | 奋力走在前!Go for it,Linyi!(回顾篇)

临报融媒 2022-02-24 阅读次数: 7363



The past five years witnessed the great strides, major breakthroughs and accelerated growth of Linyi City. Over the past five years, we have vigorously carried forward the Yimeng Spirit, completed the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects as planned, and embarked on the “three strategic transformation”. The Yimeng old revolutionary base area has made great progress in high quality development. 




The year of 2021 marked the centenary of the Communist Party of China and the beginning of the 14th Five-Year Plan period. Faced with complex external environment, we have worked hard to overcome difficulties and make breakthroughs, achieving stable growth in major economic indicators and fulfilling all targets and tasks set at the beginning of the year.

( 编辑: 子硕)